Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders are frustrated by the support his rival is getting from the party establishment, and some are taking it out on the superdelegates.

Three of Maine’s superdelegates already have committed to support his rival Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention. One of them, Maggie Allen, a Democratic National Committee member from Madison, said she’s received a barrage of hateful emails and phone calls.

“Some of them have been rants and raves,” Allen said Thursday. “The name-calling is the part that’s causing me to screen my calls. I’ve been called all kinds of interesting things.”

A survey by The Associated Press after the New Hampshire primary indicates Sanders will need to win remaining primaries by a landslide to catch up in the delegate count because of Clinton’s overwhelming support among party insiders who comprise the ranks of superdelegates.

All told, Maine has five superdelegates who can support whomever they choose, regardless of the outcome of Maine’s Democratic caucuses on March 6. Also supporting Clinton are U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree and Peggie Schaffer of Vassalboro, vice chairwoman of the state party.

State Democratic Party Chairman Phil Bartlett said he will not be publicly endorsing a candidate before the state’s Democratic presidential caucuses on March 6.


Troy Jackson, Maine’s sole superdelegate who’s supporting Sanders, said he’s pressing for a resolution that all Maine superdelegates support the winner of the caucuses.

Jackson, of Allagash, said he believes the Vermont senator, who drew more than 7,000 to a rally in Portland last summer, represents the party’s best bet for winning in November.

“The amount of first-time and disenfranchised voters that will come out to support him will be far greater than the amount that Clinton can have come out for her,” he said.

Schaffer said both Clinton and Sanders are strong candidates who espouse Democratic ideals.

“The party is still working out who’s most electable. I don’t think we know that now,” she said. “That’s the whole point of the primaries and caucuses.”

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