One’s sexuality doesn’t dictate how anyone will govern. I have worked on several of Mike Michaud’s congressional races and his being gay has no bearing on what I think of him.
I met Mike many years ago. He was personable, honest, down-to-earth and respectful. He was a mill worker for many, many years and understands the struggles of the average Mainer.
When voting for governor next year, I will look at what Mike has done for Maine. He has been a big part of veterans affairs, helping Maine seniors get affordable prescriptions and helping to keep our mills and small businesses thriving, among many other accomplishes.
I will look at what Paul LePage has done to Maine. He has continued to keep Maine in the bottom of most friendly states, been a bully to both House members and other respected people, including Troy Jackson, has helped kill small businesses and has made news for his outrageous antics rather than his accomplishments.
I would much rather have Maine in the news for Mike Michaud than being made a mockery that LePage has done for the past three years. Mike’s sexuality has nothing to do with how he would govern, and I couldn’t care less about his private life.
I want a strong leader who can make Maine business friendly and can move us forward without the constant distractions and outbursts we have had under this administration. I want someone who can relate with Mainers, and I could not be prouder of Mike. I worked for him in the past, and I will be right beside him this time, as well
Christopher WeeksFairfield
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