CHINA — Erskine Academy will hold new student orientation at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 29, in the gymnasium in South China. All incoming freshmen or new students and their parents are welcome.
The administration encourages all new students to attend this event as it is an opportunity to become acquainted with the faculty, facilities and programs at Erskine.
Freshmen parents are reminded that the school does require a current freshmen entrance physical prior to The first day of school. Any questions please call the school nurse at 445-2962.
The first day of school, for freshmen only, is Tuesday, Aug. 30.
The first day of school for all other Erskine students is Wednesday, Aug. 31.
There will be no classes on Labor day, Monday, Sept. 5.
School picture day is Thursday, Sept. 8.
New staff members are: Charles Karter, athletic director; Colby Foster, director of information technology; Marguerite Cullivan, physical education instructor; Betty Pierce, food service; and Robert Scholl, custodian.
For more information, call Jane Godbout at 445-2962, ext. 1130.
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