A Wilton man has been arrested for allegedly providing a woman with the heroin that she overdosed on and for allegedly hiding 4 grams of fentanyl in a remote control car.

Kyle D. Campbell, 29, of Wilton, was arrested Tuesday and charged with aggravated trafficking in scheduled W drugs, a Class A felony, in connection with a Maine Drug Enforcement Agency investigation into a Sept. 11 heroin overdose of a woman Campbell lives and has a child with.

The trafficking charge was elevated to an aggravated offense because Campbell lives, and allegedly possessed the drugs, within 1,000 feet of the Academy Hill School on Cameron Street in Wilton.

Wilton police responded to Campbell’s residence shortly before 9 a.m. Sunday for a report of a heroin overdose. The woman who he lived with was found in the bathroom and had overdosed on heroin. That day the woman told police Campbell had gone to New Hampshire and purchased the heroin she overdosed on, though he was not initially charged, according to an drug agency affidavit filed with the court.

Following the overdose, police received consent from Campbell to seize and search his cellphone for evidence of drug trafficking. On Tuesday, a drug agent joined the investigation and saw conversations that indicated where Campbell might be picking up heroin.

On Tuesday, Wilton Police Officer Derek Daley set up surveillance at Campbell’s home and where he was suspected to be purchasing heroin.


During the surveillance, officers saw Campbell walking to his home and operating a remote control car. Campbell was about 40 feet from his front door when the officers approached him and both noted that “Campbell was very much focused on this remote car and trying to get it away from him and closer to the house,” according to the affidavit.

After Campbell told police he did not have any drugs or weapons, he gave Daley permission to look at the remote and the car. In the car, Daley saw a large bag containing powder and Campbell was placed under arrest and taken to the Wilton Police Department for questioning.

The bag contained 4 grams of what tested positive as fetanyl, though Campbell told police he was under the impression he purchased 2 grams of heroin for $300.

Campbell was being held Friday at the Franklin County Jail in Farmington on $5,000 cash bail or a Maine Pre-Trial Services Contract.

Lauren Abbate — 861-9252


Twitter: @Lauren_M_Abbate