The Knox County Sheriff’s Office is investigating why someone left a Ku Klux Klan flier in the driveway of an Appleton residence.

Sgt. Patrick W. Polky said a woman who lives at the home discovered a sandwich bag, which contained a flier from the KKK, in her driveway around 11 a.m. Sunday. The bag had been weighted down with rocks.

The flier makes a statement in support of law enforcement and goes on to say: “Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Thank you! We fully support all the men and women in blue. Police Lives Matter.” The flier also included an 800-number and an insignia that says, “Support Law Enforcement.”

The woman told police she was concerned by what she discovered and took it to the sheriff’s office in Rockland.

Polky said the incident appears to be isolated. No other residents of Knox County have found KKK fliers on their property.

“She is not a minority and she is not in law enforcement,” Polky said Sunday. “We’re pretty sure it was isolated to this one woman. Our best guess, based on how this was packaged, is that it was random and that whoever did it was planning to do it again somewhere else. It’s basically nothing more than propaganda.”

A deputy investigated the incident and “found no cause for alarm or concern that a crime has or will be committed,” the sheriff’s office said in a news release Sunday.

The KKK, a secretive society organized in the South after the Civil War to assert white supremacy, has a long history of violence against blacks, immigrants, Jews and other groups.

On a website called “Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,” the group has posted a message that says “it is time for us as citizens to show our law enforcement officers that we appreciate the job they do.”

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