AUGUSTA — A former West Gardiner man pleaded guilty Tuesday to theft of state welfare benefits over a 3.5-year period and to two related counts of unsworn falsification.

Michael Atwater, 50, now of Gardiner, entered those pleas at the Capital Judicial Center.

For the benefit theft, he was placed on a two-year deferred disposition with conditions that he pay $3,350 restitution to the state over that period.

If he is successful, the deferred disposition agreement indicates that he can withdraw the guilty plea and that the charge will be dismissed. If he is unsuccessful, he will be sentenced on a class C crime, which carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in jail.

For the unsworn falsification charges, he was sentenced to 60 days in jail, to be served concurrently, beginning Dec. 26. Atwood was represented by attorney William Baghdoyan.

His wife, Hope Atwater, 59, also of West Gardiner, pleaded guilty in August to theft of state benefits as well and was ordered to serve an initial 90 days in jail, with the remainder of the two-year jail sentence suspended. She was ordered to pay $20,000 restitution to the state for various benefits received, including those from MaineCare and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


The indictment against Michael Atwater charged that the theft by deception took place March 2011 through September 2014, and the two counts of unsworn falsification occurred on Oct. 22, 2012, and June 27, 2013, in Augusta. The indictment says he failed to disclose that Hope Atwater was living with him and contributing to the household during that time. The Atwaters were indicted in August 2015.

Betty Adams — 621-5631

Twitter: @betadams

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