WHAT: Ninth annual Books in Boothbay:
Maine Summer Book Fair
WHERE: The Boothbay Railway Village
WHEN: 12:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday
WHO: Maine icon, author, actress and ship’s captain Linda Greenlaw leads a group of 40 Maine authors who will be meeting the public, discussing works and signing purchased books. Greenlaw’s latest book is “Lifesaving Lessons: Notes from an Accidental Mother.” Her other acclaimed works include “The Hungry Ocean,” “The Lobster Chronicles,” “Seaworthy” and a number of Maine cookbooks. She is also known for her appearance in the 2000 movie “The Perfect Storm.”
Authors attending include:
Jason Anthony, Robert Atkinson, Walter Bannon, Deborah Cummins, Linda Greenlaw, James Leamon, John MacDonald, Jennifer O’Connell, Susan Poulin, V. Paul Reynold, Richard Rubin and Milton C. Van Vlack
Cheryl Blaydon, Jen Blood, Eric Dimbleby, Kaitlyn Dunnett, Amy Faircoloth, Kate Flora, Chris Holm, Linda McLoon, Janet Morgan, Barbara Ross, Darcy Scott, Kieran Shields and Lea Wait
Christian Barter
Lisa Colburn, Barbara Damrosch and Margaret Hathaway
Katie Clark, Sandra Dutton, Tammy Meserve and Katie Quirk
Ellen Booraem, Lisa Jahn-Clough, Jennifer Gooch Hummer, Paul Molyneaux and Maria Padian.
Admission and parking are free.
For more information, visit booksinboothbay.blogspot.com, contact Barb House at the Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library, 633-3112, barbh@bmpl.lib.me.us or Sharon Pulkkinen, Chair of Books in Boothbay, at 633-7167, slpulkkinen@aol.com.
Send questions/comments to the editors.