WATERVILLE — The following cases, listed alphabetically A-S, were closed from June 4-24, 2013 in Waterville District Court.
Katherine Albright, 18, Topsfield, Mass., minor possessing liquor, March 10, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Gary Aucoin, 60, possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, Jan. 18, 2013, in Waterville; $350 fine. Sale and use of drug paraphernalia, Jan. 18, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Desmond Austin Jr., 47, East Millinocket, unlawful possession of a scheduled drug, March 20, 2013, in Waterville; $400 fine. Operating while license suspended or revoked, March 20, 2013, in Waterville; $250 fine.
Eric R. Bacheller, 20, Fairfield, minor consuming liquor, April 19, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Mara L. Badali, 18, Waterville, minor possessing liquor, March 10, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Sergio A. Baezmadrigal. 20, San Jose, Calif., minor consuming liquor, Feb. 13, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Kevin L. Barr, 33, Waterville, possession of revoked, mutilated, fictitious or fraudulent license, identification card, June 6, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed. Failure to provide correct name, address, date of birth, June 6, 2013, in Waterville; 15-day jail sentence. Theft by receiving stolen property, June 6, 2013, in Waterville; 15-day jail sentence. Violating conditions of release, June 6, 2013, in Waterville; 15-day jail sentence.
James L. Beaulieu Jr., 28, Fairfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, Jan. 12, 2013, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence, $576.18 restitution. Misuse of identification, Jan. 13, 2013, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence. Violating conditions of release, Jan. 12, 2013, in Waterville; 10-day jail sentence.
Marie A. Bebear, 20, New York, N.Y., minor possessing liquor, March 10, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Joshua A. Bilodeau, 21, Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, April 4, 2013, in Waterville; $500 fine, $129.55 restitution.
Sage F. Blaschke, 24, Waterville, allowing a minor to possess or consume liquor, March 30, 2013, in Waterville; $400 fine.
Jessica A. Bowen, 20, Lewiston, minor transporting liquor, May 2, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Paul Bragdon, 33, Waterville, operating a vehicle without a license, April 18, 2013, in Winslow; $100 fine.
Billy Joe Bragg, 47, Waterville, criminal mischief, Dec. 6, 2005, in Waterville, two-day jail sentence, $65 restitution.
James A. Burns, 18, Albion, unlawful possession of a scheduled drug, April 14, 2013, in Albion; $400 fine.
Zachary D. Cannon, 20, Clinton, fishing without a valid license, April 15, 2013, in Clinton; $100 fine.
Justin J. Caron, 21, Winslow, possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, March 31, 2013, in Winslow; $350 fine.
Dolly Jewel Carpenter, 48, Waterville, domestic violence assault, April 27, 2013, in Waterville; 42-day jail sentence.
Jennifer J. Carter, 58, Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 16, 2013, in Waterville; $250 fine.
Michael R. Carver, 32, Winslow, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 20, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Jeffrey C. Charette, 45, Waterville, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, April 4, 2013, in Vassalboro; $300 fine.
Jamie L. Charity, 33, Winslow, permitting unlawful use, April 7, 2013, in Waterville; $150 fine.
Sarah J. Dakin, Waterville, operating a vehicle without a license, May 1, 2013, in Waterville; $100 fine.
Spencer D. Decoste, 21, Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, April 15, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Darrick J. Delile, 34, Winslow, possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, May 5, 2013, in Oakland; $350 fine.
Jason P. Dennison, 31, Waterville, operating under the influence (OUI), March 1, 2013, in Clinton; $500 fine, 90-day license suspension. Driving to endanger, April 25, 2013, in Waterville; $575 fine, six-month license suspension.
Chad R. Dillihunt, 38, Winslow, violating conditions of release, April 12, 2013, in Winslow; $250 fine. Possessing a suspended driver license, April 12, 2013, in Winslow; dismissed.
Jason Dionne, 21, Sidney, operating a vehicle without a license, April 9, 2013, in Winslow; $100 fine. Possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 9, 2013, in Winslow; $350 fine. Sale and use of drug paraphernalia, April 9, 2013, in Winslow; dismissed.
Jessica Dodge, 31, Fairfield, OUI, April 27, 2013, in Waterville; $500 fine, 90-day license suspension.
Brandon Dulac, 18, Oakland, minor possessing liquor, March 24, 2013, in Oakland, $200 fine.
Eugene Edgecomb, 41, Chelsea, OUI, April 20, 2013, in Waterville; $500 fine, 90-day license suspension.
Alyssa Farrar, 22, Kennebunk, failure to register a vehicle, Dec. 30, 2012, in Oakland; $100 fine.
Eric A. Farrar, 32, operating while license suspended or revoked—prior, April 7, 2013, in Waterville; $750 fine, two-day jail sentence.
Eduardo A. Fernandez, 38, Rosedule, Md., rule violation, operation with false duty, March 4, 2013, in Sidney; $750 fine.
Eric M. Finch, 25, Pittsfield, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 22, 2013, in Waterville; $250 fine.
Andrea Frost, 19, operating a vehicle without a license, March 30, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Tyler J. Furrough, 25, Waterville, failure to appear in court on a criminal summons, Sept. 8, 2009, in Waterville; dismissed. Criminal trespassing, June 18, 2009, in Waterville; $150 fine. Unlawful use of a license, June 18, 2009, in Waterville; dismissed. Failure to appear in court on a criminal summons, Aug. 18, 2099, in Waterville,; $200 fine.
Ashley Gaboury 19, Randolf, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 19, 2013, in Clinton; $250 fine.
Luis M. Garrido, 40, Miami, Fla., rule violation, operation with false duty, Aug. 29, 2012, in Sidney; $750 fine.
Tommy Lee Glidden, 23, Waterville, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, April 4, 2013, in Waterville; $300 fine. Possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 4, 2013, in Waterville; $350 fine.
Sean A. Godsoe, 31, Waterville, operating a vehicle without a license/conditional restriction, April 17, 2013, in Winslow; $60 fine.
Gregory A. Goodhue, 47, Sidney, failure to register a vehicle; April 8, 2013, in Waterville; $100 fine.
Mary Goldrup, 20, Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked, March 29, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Tyrell Gorham, 28, possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 30, 2013, in Belgrade; $350 fine.
Michael Gray, 48, Waterville, failure to stop, remain, provide information, May 10, 2013, in Winslow; $500 fine.
Gerardo Guzman, 24, Waterbury, Conn., possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 19, 2013, in Clinton; $350 fine.
Eric J. Hammond, Pittsfield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, April 14, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Micah Smith Hanson, 33, Oakland, failing to notify of a motor vehicle acident, March 16, 2013, in Clinton; dismissed. Failing to make an oral or written accident report, March 16, 2013, in Clinton; dismissed.
Diane E. Hayes, 49, Fairfield, failure to register a vehicle, April 14, 2013, in Waterville; $100 fine.
Brenda L. Hei, 51, Waterville, domestic violence assault, June 14, 2013, in Waterville; 364-day jail sentence, all but 2 days suspended.
Hannah Heyman, 19, Hastings, N.Y., minor consuming liquor, April 12, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Mark A. Hilliard, 31, Bronx, N.Y., possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 20, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Libby Allen Jenness, 23, Waterville, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, May 16, 2012, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Kenneth Kearns, 32, Glenburn, operating while license suspended or revoked, Feb. 8, 2012, in Sidney, $250 fine.
Kent D. Kramer, 37, Skowhegan, operating a vehicle without a license, March 14, 2013, in Belgrade; $100 fine.
Kenneth Lachance, 58, Winslow, two counts unlawful possession of a scheduled drug, possession of hypodermic apparatuses, March 21, 2013 in Winslow; dismissed.
Todd R. Lambert, 37, Winslow, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 26, 2013, in Winslow; $250 fine.
Holly Laney, 26, Canaan, operating while license suspended or revoked—prior, April 19, 2013, in Clinton; $500 fine.
Aimee E. Lasco, 27, Palmyra, operating while license suspended or revoked—prior, Nov. 18, 2011, in Waterville; $500 fine.
Lacey Lemmings, 22, Gray, OUI, April 6, 2013, in Waterville; $500 fine, 90-day license suspension.
James A. Libby, 55, Bangor, violating conditions of release, criminal trespass, both on July 22, 2011, both in Waterville; both dismissed. Criminal trespass, July 19, 2011, in Waterville; dismissed.
Christine Lindstrom, 65, Foxborough, Mass., motor vehicle speeding over 30 miles over the speed limit, April 7, 2013, in Sidney; $500 fine.
Tasha A. Litchfield, 30, Vassalboro, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, April 8, 2013, in Waterville; 90-day jail sentence, all suspended, one-year administrative release, 50 hours community service. Theft by deception, April 8, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Desneiges Lovett, 28, Clinton, violating conditions of release, April 30, 2013, in Clinton; two-day jail sentence.
Levi C. MaGee, 22, Clinton, operating a vehicle without a license; May 1, 2013, in Clinton; two-day jail sentence.
Joshua L. Mayo, 19, Winslow, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 8, 2013, in Winslow; $250 fine.
Peter McAuliffe, 21, Cambridge, Mass., minor possessing liquor, March 10, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Grace P. McVey, 19, Bronxville, N.Y, minor possessing liquor, March 10, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Marion S. Menair, 41, Sidney, OUI, April 12, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed. Driving to endanger, April 12, 2013, in Waterville; $575 fine, 30-day license suspension.
LLambert 7/5/13 CQEDMichol L. Merrill, 26, Winslow, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, April 15, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Matthew R. Moody, 21, Vassalboro, possession of marijuan up to 1 1/4 ounces, May 3, 2013, in Clinton; $350 fine.
Cody M. Morrison, 18, Winslow, minor transporting liquor, April 10, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine, 30-day license suspension.
Jason A. Olyer, 36, Waterville, operating a vehicle without a license, May 7, 2013, in Sidney; $100 fine.
Brian Palmer, 21, Dayton, Mass., minor possessing liquor, April 20, 2013, in Oakland; dismissed.
Cory R. Paoletti, 25, possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 26, 2013, in Waterville; $350 fine.
Kenneth C. Peckhman, 55. West Gardener, rule violation, operation with false duty, April 25, 2013, in Clinton; $750 fine.
Corey D. Pendergast, 24, Waterville, failure to register vehicle, May 4, 2013, in Oakland; dismissed.
Joshua R. Perkins, 22, Waterville, (OUI), April 3, 2013, in Waterville; $750 fine, two-day jail sentence, 90-day license suspension.
Tracy Phillips, 42, Skowhegan, operating while license suspended or revoked, Oct. 11, 2012, in Waterville; $250 fine.
Garrett Place, 20, Oakland, minor possessing liquor, May 8, 2013, in Oakland; $200 fine.
Joseph K. Rainey, 23, Fairfield, attaching false plates, May 1, 2013, in Waterville; $150 fine.
Lacy A. Rexford, 23, Vassalboro, failure to notify of a motor vehicle accident, April 18, 2013, in Winslow; dismissed.
Dorrance L. Richardson, 41, Waterville, violating conditions of release, June 1, 2013, in Waterville; two-day jail sentence.
Robert R. Luke, 27, Ocala, Fla., possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 26, 2013, in Waterville; $350 fine.
Mark E. Robinson, 44, Waterville, keeping and unlicensed dog, April 28, 2013, in Waterville; $50 fine.
Napoleon S. Roman Jr., 37, Lafayette, Ind., rule violation, operation with false duty, Jan. 17, 2013, in Sidney; $750 fiine.
Allisha R. Savage, 24, Skowhegan, operation of defective vehicle, March 29, 2013, in Waterville; $150 fine.
Tammy Searles, 42, Clinton, unlawfully hunting wild birds, March 18, 2013, in Clinton; dismissed.
Miranda H. Seger, 20, Augusta, minor consuming liquor, March 30, 2013, in Waterville; $200 fine.
Aaron L. Smith, 33, Oakland, operating a vehicle without a license, April 24, 2013, in Winslow; $100 fine.
Alison E. Smith, 21, Gales Ferry, Conn., minor possessing liquor, April 20, 2013, in Oakland; dismissed.
Brittany Smith, 24, Stow, possession of marijuana up to 1 1/4 ounces, April 27, 2013, in Winslow; $350 fine; Sale and use of drug paraphernalia, April 27, 2013, in Winslow; $300 fine.
Christopher J. Smith, 19, Locust Valley, N.Y., minor possessing liquor, April 20, 2013, in Oakland; dismissed.
David B. Sonier, 26, Fairfield, fail to stop, remain and provide information, Jan. 16, 2013, in Waterville; dismissed.
Carolyn F. Stacey, 69, Winslow, failure to register vehicle, Apr. 20, 2013, in Winslow; $100 fine.
Kenneth Strout, 21, China, minor consuming liquor, Jan. 31, 2013, in Waterville; $400 fine.
Victoria S. Stubbert, 28, Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked, April 14, 2013, in Winslow; $250 fine.
Barry Sturk, 49, Oakland, violating conditions of release, May 1, 2013, in Vassalboro, dismissed.
Sander Svensson, 24, Fairfield, violating protective order, May 11, 2013, in Waterville; 30-day jail sentence.
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