The ongoing downtown street reconstruction in Gardiner has uncovered a connection between the roof drains of the Camden National Bank building at 190 Water St. and the city’s sewer lines.
In response to that, Gardiner elected officials are expected to consider assessing the bank a sewer surcharge when they meet Wednesday.
While those connections were once common, city officials have been working to separate stormwater from the sewer to comply with environmental regulations. Because the bank’s walls are reinforced concrete and the drains run through interior walls, the City Council will consider a proposal under which the bank would pay $1,720 a year to cover the cost of transporting and treating the additional flow and investigate removing the roof drains from the sewer system.
The council also plans to:
• Consider minimum bids on three tax-acquired properties
• Discuss National Incident Management System training for the city staff and elected officials
• Consider a liquor license renewal for Craft Beer Cellar
• Consider liquor and victualer’s licenses for Gerard’s Pizza
• Consider a special event permit for Downtown Trick or Treating
• Discuss the status of city projects with city department heads.
Two executive sessions have been scheduled for the start of Wednesday’s meeting. The first is to discuss the search for a permanent city manager. The second is to consider accepting an addendum to a purchase-and-sale agreement with a potential buyer of two lots at the Libby Hill Business Park.
The council meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the council chamber at Gardiner City Hall, 6 Church St.
Jessica Lowell — 621-5632
Twitter: @JLowellKJ
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