OAKLAND — The Travis Mills benefit concert, organized by Boy Scout Adam DeWitt, will begin at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 28, at the Messalonskee High School Performing Arts Center, 131 Messalonskee High Drive, Oakland. Admission to the concert is free, though donations will be accepted.

The concert will feature local performers including the high school’s Mastersingers and Jazz Band, the Messalonskee acapella group Messofortes, the acapella group the Clefnotes from the University of Maine at Farmington, as well as some professional bands.

This concert is part DeWitt’s Eagle Scout project, a community service activity which Boy Scouts have to do in order to reach the rank of Eagle Scout. DeWitt chose the Travis Mills Foundation as the concert beneficiary because of its importance and the impact Travis and the organization have made in the own community and on himself. The foundation’s new veterans retreat, in Rome, was designed to help wounded veterans and their families cope with everyday life. The retreat still needs all the help they can get in order to continue to grow and help more of our wounded veterans.

For more information, contact Susan Perrino, director of the Performing Arts Center at Messalonskee High School at 465-9135 or sperrino@rsu18.org.