The Rangeley Skating Club and the Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce held its third annual Rangeley Winterpaloozah!, a celebration of winter activities and competitions, on Feb. 18 at Haley Pond and Rangeley Town Park.

The event included all the favorites from past years — skating, curling, pond hockey, fat tire bikes, snowshoes, kick sleds, horse & cart rides, marshmallow roast, snow golf, snow kite, snow castle and more, as well as a slate of new pay-to-enter competitions for the entire family, with prizes awarded to winners in each competition. Competitions included Cardboard Sled Race, Dog Keg Pull, Frying Pan Toss, “Paloozah” Carry (a variation on the popular wife-carry event), Fat Tire Bike Race, Snow Sculpture Contest and the “Paloozathon” Race.

Winners of the competitions:

• Paloozathon Race: Men’s division, Kris Thompson; Women’s division, Robin LeBlond; Youth, Brayden Thompson.

• Cardboard Sled (Best Design): Michael Flewelling tied with Troy Hathaway and Tessa Eustis.

• Cardboard Sled (race): Violet and Jeffrey Chase.


• Dog Keg Pull: Small Dogs, Eric Anderson with Fiona; Medium Dogs, Nancy Perlson with Scout; Large Dogs, BJ Carter with Bear.

• Frying Pan Toss: Men, Pete Clancy; Women, Maureen Clancy; Youth, Will Clancy.

• Fat Tire Bike Race: First place, Chris Riley; second place, Eric Anderson; third place, Andrew Flanagan.

• Paloozah Carry: First place, Matt and Liz Blair; second place, Lily Temple and Drew Rogers.

• Snow Sculpture Contest: Aurora and Brittany Wetherill,