A longtime veteran of the Maine State Housing Authority has been nominated by the governor to be the agency’s next chief.

Dan Brennan, MSHA senior director of programs, is Gov. Paul LePage’s second nominee for the post. His first pick, George Gervais, commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development, failed to get the support of the Maine Senate for the appointment.

Brennan has worked at the agency for 25 years, according to a statement from LePage announcing the nomination.

“Dan has a strong understanding of MaineHousing’s programs,” said LePage. “He will ensure that the agency follows its strategic plan to serve people in need in the most effective manner.”

LePage also took a swipe at Senate Democrats who spiked Gervais’ nomination.

“This agency must have a director, and I will not play political games – as the Democrats have by rejecting qualified nominees – or divert our attention from Maine’s real challenges.”

Brennan oversees the agency’s production and program departments, including multifamily development and asset management, first-time homebuyer loans, energy assistance and home repair, homeless assistance and housing-choice vouchers. He began his career there as the agency’s first internal auditor.

His nomination will be considered by the Legislature’s Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee, which oversees the housing authority.