Jared Golden is my choice to represent Maine’s Second District in the 2018 race for Congress.

When Congressman Bruce Poliquin ran for office in 2014, he promised to use his debt-cutting experience in Maine to reduce the federal debt. However, he broke that promise when he voted to add $1.5 trillion to the debt this year while doling out massive giveaways to huge corporations and the very wealthy. It is no secret that rural Maine is struggling and has lost good-paying, middle-class jobs, but are conditions any better since Poliquin’s election? Poliquin has lost sight of why we elected him to Congress.

Jared Golden is focusing on making Maine’s economy better by investing in infrastructure, leveling the playing field for small businesses, ending unfair trade deals, growing the renewable energy sector, strengthening unions and our manufacturing base, and supporting traditional Maine jobs.

Jared knows that with the right kind of investment, we can make our Second District competitive and more secure. This is not just empty talk. At the State House, Jared helped defend the minimum wage referendum, fought for Medicaid expansion, passed a law to help veterans transition back into the workforce, and his bill to establish a study for passenger rail between Portland and Lewiston passed through the House with unanimous support.

I am proud to support Jared Golden because when it comes to our economy — he will get the job done.

Margaret Reid


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