The Maine Turnpike Authority’s public advisory committee will meet next week to review solutions for reducing traffic congestion on the stretch of highway between Scarborough and Falmouth.

Erin Courtney, the MTA’s spokeswoman, said in a statement that the committee will evaluate several options for alleviating traffic congestion.

Those options include: increasing the availability of public transit, adding more park-and-ride lots and encouraging people to rideshare, increasing tolls during peak travel hours, adding more lanes to the road between Scarborough and Falmouth, and widening other major highways.

“These and other options are being evaluated based on a range of criteria,” Courtney said. Those criteria include increasing safety, decreasing regional congestion, and reducing air pollution.

Over the past three years, turnpike traffic volumes have been growing at about 3 to 5 percent a year and are now at record highs, according to the MTA.

The April 25 meeting is scheduled to take place from 4-7 p.m. at MTA headquarters, 2360 Congress St., Portland.

The public advisory committee is helping the MTA conduct a formal needs assessment study to determine how best to address safety and capacity challenges in the Portland-area section of the turnpike. The April meeting is the last of four to be held by the committee.

The MTA needs assessment is scheduled to be finished in June.