I am a single mother of a mentally disabled child, and have my own disabilities. I have struggled for seven years to try to get my son help. I’ve had behavioral health professionals and counselors in my home many times. He was in a program at Acadia Hospital that he ran away from, and told them that he tried jumping off our second-story balcony and would do it again and they did nothing.

The Department of Health and Human Services has open a case many times for him, they send someone I see them once they never come back, so no help from DHHS. The last time DHHS came in and opened a case, they did nothing but pass him off to other agencies that just talked — nothing came of it.

He’s misdiagnosed, out of control and confused about why he acts this way. He’s 10 years old and won’t go to school. He is abusive to myself and my three girls. He destroys property and is always angry. He is physically abusive and has no remorse.

How do I help him before he ends up in the legal system?

Kelly Anderson

St. Albans