WILTON — Central Maine Power offered New Hampshire and Vermont hundreds of millions to run its proposed 145-mile hydroelectric power transmission line from Quebec to Massachusetts, but offered Wilton just $40,000.

That was the message from state Sen. Tom Saviello, R-Wilton, who attended the Board of Selectpersons meeting Tuesday night to urge board members to be cautious when considering Central Maine Power’s proposal.

The line would run through several Maine towns and CMP is offering tax incentives for those affected.

“I would like us to write a letter to CMP and invite them to come and answer our questions — why are we being treated differently than the other states,” Saviello said. “It’s very disturbing to me to watch us get nothing.”

Saviello said county commissioners have already taken that step, and Town Manager Rhonda Irish informed Saviello during the meeting that CMP had contacted her earlier in the day, and will be attending the June 26 board meeting.

According to Chairwoman Tiffany Maiuri, the transmission line would affect less than a mile of Wilton, running through one road and two fields.


In other matters, the board voted to begin forming a committee to decide how to proceed regarding the town’s quick-attack fire truck.

During the annual town meeting last May, residents voted to buy a quick-attack fire truck, and the bid was awarded to Mays Service, based in Pennsylvania. The company failed to complete the truck on time so the town has begun legal proceedings against Mays Service.

The committee will be made up of two representatives from the board of selectmen, two from the fire department and three community members.

The board also agreed to one-year contracts with Washington Township and Perkins Township for transfer station and fire department services. The townships will pay a total of about $3,000 to use the transfer station and $2,000 for fire protection.

State primary elections are June 12, and residents will be voting to elect a selectman to a three-year term, a selectman to a one-year term to finish out Rush Cushman’s term, and to fill a school board seat.

Philip Hilton is running for the three-year seat, and Saviello the one-year seat. The seat on the school board will be filled by a write-in candidate.


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