For decades many of us, including some Germans themselves, have wondered why Germans allowed Hitler to control his country as he did. Yet now many people around the world wonder why U.S. citizens are allowing our so-called president to control our country as he does.
What can we do about it? There seems little hope for a military coup, but a journalistic coup is underway. The White House tries to dismiss the author of each book, one at a time, as someone with a score to settle and/or as a money-seeking wannabe writer.
However, recently, CNN’s Chris Cillizza countered these dismissal efforts by pointing out that every book author — Omarosa, Wolfe, Woodward, etc. — is reaching the same strikingly similar conclusion: Trump is “a man hopelessly out of his depth in the job but entirely incapable of understanding how desperately out of depth he is.”
I rejoice that U.S. still has a free press, and applaud writers’ efforts to continue presenting readers with facts.
Fern Crossland Stearns
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