I am a single mom of three special needs children. My oldest is on the autism spectrum. He needs access to services to live a healthy and happy life. I worry about what Maine will look like in the next five years and in the course of his lifetime. I fear what rights and services my children may lose as they become adults. With that loss comes the loss of dignity and the right to determine our own lives.

Everyone wants that for their kids. We are lucky to have Mainecare at the moment, but the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a threat to so much we hold dear. For me, my kids need health care to not only function day to day but to realize their dreams. And they deserve that like any other child.

So many Mainers are fighting to make ends meet. Fighting to keep food on our tables, a roof over our heads, and our families healthy. This is a huge struggle. Under Gov. Paul LePage we have seen increases in childhood poverty and hunger, and the loss of access to health care. Mainers I know are suffering while waiting for health care while the governor ignores the Medicaid expansion law.

I fear we face the same fate nationally if Kavanaugh is approved for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. When once we could feel safe and protected by laws meant to help us and improve our quality of life, I fear we face a future when those rights are undermined by the highest court in the land.

I ask Sen. Susan Collins to help Mainers like me who are trying so hard to catch a break. Please vote no on Kavanaugh.

Michele Gonya


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