Brielle Hardy joined the Forecaster as a staff writer in October 2020. She is a member of the graduating class of 2020 from the University of Maine with a B.A. in Journalism. During her undergraduate career she interned at Down East Magazine and wrote for the student-led undergraduate newspaper, the Maine Campus. Born and raised in Maine, Brielle enjoys exploring coastlines, hiking mountains and skiing down them.
PublishedFebruary 2, 2021
Falmouth resident celebrates 102nd birthday
World War II vet Ralph Bonville was named the town’s citizen of the year in 2018, and has kept detailed records of the 1,500 veterans buried in Falmouth.
PublishedFebruary 1, 2021
Casco Bay shellfish group building database to help local industry adapt
The Casco Bay Regional Shellfish Working Group wants to know what kind of information shellfish communities would like to see in a public database, aiming to supply those in the industry with one comprehensive resource.