PublishedOctober 17, 2017
LePage calls York County casino question ‘a phony deal’ with overblown promises
In his weekly radio address, the governor also says Question 1 on the November ballot would merely draw business away from Maine's two existing casinos in Bangor and Oxford.
PublishedOctober 1, 2017
Lofty campaign promises for York County casino are no sure bet
The venue in Oxford created just a quarter of the jobs forecast in 2010, and studies like the one done ahead of November's ballot measure are meant to persuade.
PublishedSeptember 25, 2017
Lawmakers make case that Maine’s initiative process is being gamed
As proof, members of the Legislature's Government Oversight Committee cite the dizzying array of out-of-state and overseas entities with ties to the casino question on the November ballot.
PublishedSeptember 18, 2017
Holding all the cards, some Maine towns already debating casino
York is a highly unlikely host municipality while others would be more welcoming if state voters back a facility in York County.
PublishedSeptember 15, 2017
Leading opponent of York County casino says backers offering ‘the same empty promises’
Rep. Louis Luchini, D-Ellsworth, responds to the release by a political action committee of an analysis predicting more jobs and revenues if the casino is approved.
PublishedSeptember 14, 2017
York County casino backers say project promises millions for Maine
An analysis done for Progress for Maine pegs the economic impact at more than 2,000 jobs, $64.4 million in new household earnings and at least $45 million in annual tax revenue.
PublishedSeptember 7, 2017
York County casino backers launch campaign for November vote
A new website shows a possible gambling facility called the Vactionland Resort and Events Center, although state officials continue to probe the campaign's financial backers.
PublishedJuly 20, 2017
Legislature clears path for York County casino referendum
However, the controversial ballot initiative backed by more than $4 million in contributions is still under scrutiny for its compliance with campaign finance laws.
PublishedJune 9, 2017
Lawyers refuse subpoenas after state ethics panel votes to investigate casino campaign
The commission will investigate the finances of the campaign to build a casino in York County, but attorneys for its backers refuse to accept the subpoenas.
PublishedJune 2, 2017
Ethics commission staff calls for probe of casino referendum campaign
The investigation would heighten scrutiny of a secretive campaign that ranks among Maine's most expensive ballot initiatives.