PublishedDecember 1, 2021
Omicron unravels travel industry’s plans for a comeback
Executives say government decisions about restrictions should wait until more is known about omicron, but they admit it's a difficult call.
PublishedDecember 1, 2021
Maine health officials monitor new variant as delta drives record COVID-19 hospitalizations
Health officials are still waiting to see what effect the holiday weekend will have on transmission, but they expect cases to surge again.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
Mt. Blue school district fall-term COVID cases exceed 2020-21 total
As positive COVID-19 cases increase in the Mt. Blue school district and Franklin County, the Board of Directors chose to keep the current COVID-19 safety guidelines in place at their Nov. 23 meeting.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
Need for faster mental health care is focus of Augusta summit addressing ‘cracks in the system’
The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified longstanding problems with mental health care as the demand for treatment has increased, experts say.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
Madison officials earmark federal aid for bonuses to town employees
A portion of the town's money from the American Rescue Plan Act will be used to give full-time municipal workers a $1,500 bonus and part-time workers a bonus ranging from $100 to $1,250.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
Amazon accused of under-reporting coronavirus cases contracted at work
Of the almost 20,000 employees the company said contracted the coronavirus last year, Amazon maintains only 27 potentially caught it at work.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
New info shows omicron variant spread wider, earlier than originally thought
New findings made it clear that the threat slipped into countries before their defenses were up, as two distant nations announced their first cases and a third reported its presence before South African officials sounded the alarm.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
Infections, deaths and hospitalizations mount as Maine braces for post-holiday rise in COVID-19
Maine set a new hospitalization record as health officials gear up for the possible arrival of a new variant, omicron, that has the world on edge.
PublishedNovember 30, 2021
Our View: New COVID variant could be the new normal
As long as the coronavirus is spreading around the world, we will have to stick with public health interventions that work.
PublishedNovember 29, 2021
CDC says all vaccinated adults should get boosted
The agency previously recommended booster shots for adults age 50 and older.
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