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  • Published
    September 13, 2017

    Taking responsibility for Earth — or not

    You figure out what might be in store here over the next few decades, or years, if we keep acting like we're not responsible, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    August 23, 2017

    Reality and the solar eclipse

    Even in a partial eclipse, you take your waking slow, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    August 9, 2017

    Spider camp at Eagle Hill

    If spiders were to suddenly disappear from an ecosystem, you'd soon notice, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    July 26, 2017

    Spotting the summer wings

    The bug populations — especially butterflies — seem like they've been off their usual patterns this summer, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    July 12, 2017

    Summer’s unsung outlaws

    Whether deer flies whirl around like devils or devils whirl around like deer flies, I don't know, writes Dana Wilde.

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  • Published
    June 21, 2017

    Money morality and the Earth

    For some, protecting air and water just costs too much money, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    June 7, 2017

    Life and death on silk balloons

    When spiderlings go ballooning, they set off to seek their fortunes by throwing silk onto the wind, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    May 24, 2017

    Notes on the show in May

    Baseball games are already underway in the evening at the park, a sure sign summer is not far away, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    May 10, 2017

    Trump has waged war on environment — and he’s winning

    In the absence of significant resistance from Republicans with moral consciences, the war against the environment is going to continue to go well for him, writes Dana Wilde.

  • Published
    April 26, 2017

    Living in the Maine woods

    It's the country here, but — emphatically — it's not the wilderness, writes Dana Wilde.