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  • Published
    January 26, 2022

    Dana Wilde: Dreams of winter cold

    Mulling the history of how we measure cold and warm, Dana Wilde is sanding the increasingly icy landscape of our existence.

  • Published
    January 12, 2022

    Dana Wilde: Winter space exploration

    As some scientists try to figure out how to send tiny creatures or bacteria on spacecraft to other stars, Dana Wilde ponders the implications of our desire to explore the far reaches of space.

  • Published
    December 22, 2021

    Dana Wilde: December notes on a changing winter

    Looking over his daily notes, Dana Wilde catalogs how different Maine Decembers are now compared with decades ago.

  • Published
    December 8, 2021

    Dana Wilde: No, lemmings don’t commit mass suicide

    The cultural cliché that lemmings display oblivious mass self-destructive behavior is rooted in a lie of the rodent species, Dana Wilde writes.

  • Published
    November 25, 2021

    Dana Wilde: Life finds a way

    Pondering the meaning of "invasive" species, Dana Wilde reflects on the surprising ways in which nonnative plants and animals are popping up in our environment.

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  • Published
    November 10, 2021

    Dana Wilde: The legend of the up-island spider

    Spiders tend to get even bigger and more detailed in stories of their sightings and turn humongous when those stories get woven in with the other tales, Dana Wilde writes.

  • Published
    October 27, 2021

    Dana Wilde: Inside Indian summer

    Those transparently beautiful autumn days with comfortable weather are a sort of grace period increasingly receding, Dana Wilde writes.

  • Published
    October 13, 2021

    Dana Wilde: Trees follow the sun

    Fall is getting pleasantly, alarmingly warmer, writes Dana Wilde, with the cause hardly a mystery.

  • Published
    September 29, 2021

    Dana Wilde: Of goldenrod and galaxies

    The golden ratio, writes Dana Wilde, is understood to be a fundamental pattern of beauty in nature and art.

  • Published
    September 22, 2021

    Dana Wilde: Growing up in the woods

    Watching a 4-year-old navigate nature, writes Dana Wilde, highlights the self reliance of Thoreau and Emerson.