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  • Published
    September 23, 2018

    J.P. Devine: Does Kavanaugh have a dog?

    The questions posed to the Supreme Court nominee covered the salient points, but not the important personal questions, such as whether he has a dog, and whether he wears boxers or briefs, J.P. Devine writes.

  • Published
    September 16, 2018

    J.P. Devine: Is there a doctor in the house?

    An injury incurred while washing and rinsing a wine glass leads to revelations about the state of medical practice — and who's doing the practicing, writes J.P. Devine.

  • Published
    September 9, 2018

    J.P. Devine: Look what you’ve gone and done, Gov. LePage

    The governor's decision to add his name to a case before the U.S. Supreme Court that would allow workers to be fired based on their gender identity or sexual orientation is an outrage, writes J. P. Devine.

  • Published
    September 5, 2018

    J.P. Devine Movie Review: ‘Operation Finale’

    The last 15 minutes is probably the longest breath holding 15 minutes since 'Casablanca,' J.P. Devine writes.

  • Published
    September 2, 2018

    J.P. Devine: What just happened?

    When the news of the week included yet another scandal involving priests, this time in Pennsylvania, it had repercussions in Waterville, in his own home, writes J.P. Devine.

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  • Published
    August 26, 2018

    J.P. Devine: POTUS pouting over his lost parade

    Being emotionally 9 years old when you're the president can get you — and the whole world — in trouble, but wanting a big, 'Ben Hur'-type parade then becomes understandable, writes J.P. Devine.

  • Published
    August 22, 2018

    J.P. Devine Movie Review: ‘Puzzle’

    Mann and Moverman's script, based on the film "Rompecabezas" by Natalia Smirnoff, is too well crafted for such a Hollywood finale, J.P. Devine writes.

  • Published
    August 19, 2018

    J.P. Devine: Women with tattoo’s are everywhere

    Once the province of sailors, pirates and professional wrestlers, body art adds a layer of expression to modern women demanding control of their bodies and appearance, writes J.P. Devine.

  • Published
    August 15, 2018

    J.P. Devine Movie Review: ‘Eighth Grade’

    The film succeeds, largely because of star Elsie Fisher's amazing work and sheer determination, J.P. Devine writes.

  • Published
    August 8, 2018

    J.P. Devine Movie Review: ‘BlackkKlansman’

    The film begins with a sinister whisper and ends with a scream, writes J.P. Devine.