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  • Published
    December 2, 2018

    On the last lap, and heading home

    There’s no denying I’m on my last lap and heading home. I’m healthy and happy, but I know I’m edging closer. I enjoy telling family stories. Mistakenly and often I think my children and grandchildren will find it interesting to hear them. My stories are met with eye rolls. Clearly I am a dinosaur. Thus, […]

  • Published
    December 2, 2018

    Dad and an angel, waiting for me

    The Anderson Christmas angel was simple. She was not a store-bought porcelain doll. Her simple starched lace dress held the round head made of wood. Her hair, eyes and slight smile were painted on. Her halo and arms were shiny gold pipe cleaners. Her wings were of gold tin foil. The trumpet she played joyously […]

  • Published
    November 21, 2018

    George Smith: My thoughts on ‘Heading Home’

    A new series in the newspaper is asking readers to tell stories. Here's one of mine.

  • Published
    October 28, 2018

    The View From Here: We want to hear your story

    Meetinghouse, a new feature in the Telegram, aims to build community and entertain.

  • Published
    October 27, 2018

    Mainers tell their own stories in ‘Meetinghouse,’ a monthly forum

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