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  • Published
    November 12, 2011

    BOB HUMPHREY: Land of Lincoln offers solid hunting

    I was settled in my tree stand awaiting the dawn’s early light when I heard the distinct sound of a deer’s hooves approaching on dry oak leaves.

  • Published
    November 12, 2011

    MARK LATTI: Fresh snows adds to the thrill of the hunt

    There are iconic images associated with the outdoors in Maine. A large brook trout sipping a fly. A burly bull moose feasting, chest deep in water. A landlocked salmon leaping, and of course, a large buck, slipping silently through the forest on fresh snow.

  • Published
    November 10, 2011

    UNE students track gray squirrels to gather information

    BIDDEFORD -- Rocky and Bullwinkle would be so impressed.

  • Published
    November 10, 2011

    ON HIKING: Hidden Valley Nature Center is a hidden gem

    Tucked into the rural countryside east of Randolph and the Kennebec River, the Hidden Valley Nature Center surely lives up to its name. Only a nondescript dirt parking lot, a small sign and a gate mark the entrance to the property on quiet Egypt Road in Jefferson.

  • Published
    November 5, 2011

    OUTDOORS: Got yer deer? Now what?

    With opening day out of the way, the most popular greeting in Maine now changes from "How's it going?" to "Git yer deer yet?" Once your reply becomes "yes," the next question becomes what to do with your deer.

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  • Published
    November 5, 2011

    HUNTING: Hunters earn respect after shooting same buck

    SIDNEY--Within minutes of entering the woods last Saturday, fortune shined on hunter Gregory Rabe.

  • Published
    November 5, 2011

    ALLEN AFIELD: Bicyclists find lighter traffic now

    My passion for bicycling across November's brown and gray landscape grows, and in the Belgrade Lakes region, a huge plus strikes me as obvious, particularly on weekdays. Traffic proves so much lighter compared to summer and leaf-peeping time.

  • Published
    November 5, 2011

    HUNTING: Early numbers about what state expected

    Brandon Zalegowski is a clerk at the Middle Road General Store in Sidney. His duties include weighing the deer that hunters bring to the store's tagging station.

  • Published
    November 3, 2011

    OUTDOORS: Skiers’ losses are hikers’ gain at closed ski areas

    With the start of the 2011-2012 ski season now less than a month away, my thoughts have turned, as they always do this time of year, to the abundance of wonderful fall hikes on the mountains that once were active ski areas and have reverted to their original wooded state.

  • Published
    November 3, 2011

    WHAT’S UP IN NOVEMBER: Jupiter is at its best this month

    As the Northern Hemisphere prepares for winter, the nights are getting colder and longer, even as our terrestrial landscape is getting bleaker since most of our colorful leaves have fallen. There will be several interesting highlights this month, including Jupiter at its best for the year, Venus returning to our evening sky, a comet still getting brighter, and even a little asteroid that will buzz Earth at less than the distance to the moon.