PublishedNovember 17, 2023
New Bread of Life supported living facility approved in Augusta
Former medical offices are to be converted into two community supported living spaces, with a focus on helping veterans and others, in need of addiction recovery and trauma supports.
PublishedDecember 9, 2022
Up to 400 housing units proposed off Civic Center Drive in Augusta
The proposal for condominiums and apartments at 435 and 443 Civic Center Drive on about 18 acres would require a zone change.
PublishedOctober 30, 2022
Officials: Augusta’s proposed comprehensive plan updates might need updating
Work on the city's proposed new comprehensive plan, a 260-page document that guides decisions affecting the city, was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
PublishedNovember 11, 2021
Augusta officials approve solar farm under new rules
The Church Hill Road project is to be built adjacent to an existing, 34-acre solar farm built by the same developer that drew concern from neighbors and passersby about its appearance.
PublishedAugust 2, 2019
Wilton Planning Board hears proposals on solar and electric power projects
Dirigo Solar plans to establish a solar farm on 17 acres on Weld Street, while Central Maine Power is looking to build a substation on Main Street.
PublishedJuly 1, 2019
Waterville planners give final approval to Colby’s Lockwood Hotel
The Planning Board heard initial plans for the redevelopment of the former Lockwood mills and also gave the green light to a publicly accessible floating dock on Messalonskee Stream.
PublishedJune 28, 2019
Waterville board again to consider plans for Lockwood Hotel downtown
The Waterville Planning Board on Monday will consider final plans for a $26 million hotel, as well as redevelopment of two mill buildings on Water Street, expansion of a financial firm on Silver Street, and a public boat dock and path.
PublishedJune 17, 2019
Waterville Planning Board postpones vote on final plans for Colby hotel
While board members voted 5-2 Monday to approve parking plans for the hotel, they decided to wait until July 1 to take a vote on final plans for the project.
Planning Board