PublishedMay 26, 2022
Farmington, Weld to observe Memorial Day
Chesterville and Wilton do not have events planned this year.
PublishedMay 13, 2022
Weld author, distance runner to speak May 20 in Chesterville
PublishedJune 25, 2021
Human feces, unauthorized fires lead to closure of Tumbledown Mountain camping
Though never officially authorized on the mountain, camping has been largely accepted. With more litter, discarded equipment and large, unauthorized fires, the Bureau of Parks and Land is saying no more.
PublishedJune 12, 2021
Working: Running Maine’s largest state park
Manager Bruce Farnham is in summer season No. 34 and counting at the 8,000-acre Mt. Blue State Park.
PublishedApril 4, 2021
Maine Warden Service rescues 2 sets of stranded hikers
Wardens said both parties – one on the Appalachian Trail and the other on Tumbledown Mountain – were unprepared for the snow, ice and cold weather they encountered.
PublishedMarch 22, 2021
Candle causes Weld house fire; no injuries reported
A state fire investigator determined the fire was accidental.
PublishedMarch 5, 2021
March town meetings were timed to get government business done before planting season
PublishedJanuary 23, 2021
United Way to host Webb Lake snowshoe walk
PublishedOctober 22, 2020
Incumbent Skolfield faces challenger Bourgelais in House District 112
Thomas Skolfield, a Republican, looks for his fourth straight term facing Democrat and newcomer Peter Bourgelais.
PublishedMay 27, 2020
Oxford motorcyclist killed in Weld crash
Police said Thomas Owens was not wearing a helmet when his motorcycle crashed on Route 142.
Weld maine